Do you love the smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning? The aromas, the flavors, the initial first sniff just makes your insides tingle, and you know you’re about to get a great caffeine buzz on. To many, this is routine in the morning, and for those that work early mornings it can be hard to enjoy those sniffs and sips while driving or commuting to work. How do we enjoy our coffee and take it to-go without spoiling that amazing feeling? FoamAroma… that’s how!
Many people are connoisseurs of coffee and revel in the taste of the beans and the smell of the brew. Craig Bailey, founder of FoamAroma, is one of these connoisseurs who wanted to find the best way to taste, smell, and feel the drink in order to enjoy the latte experience while on the go. Craig found that he couldn’t enjoy his latte’s rich taste and aroma using an ordinary to-go lid. He had to make the best of it while he could, until he began working on a “fix” for his coffee fix!
He invented a to-go lid unlike anything else on the market. The new lid he designed allows coffee and tea (yes, tea lovers you’re included, too) drinkers the ability to enjoy their beverage while touching on all of the senses of the drink. To have the time to enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea in the morning can be tough. How does one simply sit and enjoy coffee before work? In order to truly enjoy the coffee aromas means that your sense of smell must also be active and alert. Also, the positioning of your mouth should not be strained in the “pucker-up” fashion as it is with ordinary lids. The FoamAroma lid has a perfectly sized air vent hole in the middle of the lid along with a small triangular drink hole properly positioned for the best flow and mouth feel.
Sounds scientific, sort of complicated, and easy to mishandle, right? Wrong! It’s simply a lid thats better than the rest, but you will want it to use to make your mornings that much brighter. When drinking really great coffee, like special roasted blends, they deserve their time to shine; after all, they only get about 20 minutes in your cup before they’re gone. When coffee or tea is “paired” with some snazzy to-go cups and a FoamAroma lid, you’re all set to have some spectacular smelling and tasting mornings.
What’s better than starting off your day the right way? This lid truly surprises coffee lovers with a whole new experience for one of the world’s most popular beverages.
Twisted Talk: Do you find yourself missing out on the experience of the morning coffee ritual? Does FoamAroma sound useful to you? Discuss below!