I had the pleasure of attending the opening of A Map to Somewhere Else, a play written by Reina Hardy and presented by the Everyday Inferno Theatre Company. The Everyday Inferno Theatre Company has presented such works as Something Wicked, If on a Winter’s Night, Briar Rose & The Thirteenth Fairy, and The Golden Hour, amongst many other plays.
A Map to Somewhere Else is a comedic drama that is full of fantasy and magic. The play centers on Natasha and the imaginary friends she created when she was a child. Once children begin to grow up, they also outgrow their toys and their imaginary friends. This play seeks to find the place where those imaginary friends have gone to after they have been forgotten by their creators. This play takes us on a magical, funny and dramatic ride to the depths of a child’s imagination.

Every actor brought something to the table to make this play the success that it was. It was great seeing Meghann Garmany in another role that really showcased her talent. I had the chance of seeing her perform in Living Arrangements directed by Ludovica Villar-Hauser when I was working for the show as the Marketing Assistant. Meghann is just naturally funny. She would be someone that I would describe as having “dry humor” and that is something that made her character, Natasha, seem much more likable to me.
Lila Newman, who played Frangibelle, committed to her character down to her tone and the way she walked. There was parts of the play that were not meant to be funny but I found myself laughing at her mannerisms and the way she portrayed Frangibelle, the blind witch. Sam Ogilvie, who plays Scatter, Natasha’s pink bunny, was also funny throughout the play. His sweet, innocent, and naivety really captured that of a toy that is thrown aside by a child once they grow up. As soon as Finn Kilgore, who plays Dactyl, opened his mouth the first thing that popped into my head was “Albus Dumbledore.” The chemistry between Dactyl and Fix, played by Erin Healani Chung, was another high point. Fix’s energy and curiosity about everything was contrasted by Dactyl’s calm demeanor.

Mr. Ting, who is played by Eddy Lee, shares his wisdom through music and only sings when he is communicating with the other characters in the play. Eddy Lee did an amazing job in this role. His voice was very pleasant and smooth. With a voice like that I won’t be surprised if I see him on Broadway in a year or two.
Then we have the chemistry between Case Watson (Emily) and Jay William Thomas (Constantine). Both Jay William Thomas and Case Watson worked well together when they were in the real world. It was funnier and more entertaining to see Constantine act awkward around Emily, while Emily just stands there confused and a little bit on the awkward side herself.
Overall, this was a very well written play by Reina Hardy and a very well-acted play by all the actors. I found myself laughing throughout the whole play. The hard work put into these characters by the actors was evident by the end result. If you have not seen A Map To Somewhere Else then you still have a chance because they still have performances June 23rd-June 28th at the 133rd Street Arts Center Lab.
Twisted Talk: Did you have an imaginary friend when you were younger? Will you be checking out A Map to Somewhere Else? Discuss below!